We've been hard at work adding all sorts of new functionality to the site. Since so many of you have signed up and enjoy looking up cards/values and shopping for deals, we've been inspired to keep adding more things to help you enjoy this hobby:
Tracking your Collections and Wantlists
This came out about a month ago and so far the feedback has been really encouraging. It's really easy to find the cards you have/want, and add them to your profile.
The Watchlist
We were inspired here by eBay's very useful watchlist, except ours is much better. We figured it would be so much better for collectors to keep track of their auctions and buy now listings across many sites all in one place.
My Favorite Cards
This is a quick way to build a list of cards you are interested in tracking and see their values.
User Profiles
We've added the ability for collectors to create basic User Profiles about their collecting interests, showing off their collections, and showing their wantlists. There's lots more to come in this area.
My SCDB Dashboard
Here is tne one easy place to see a quick overview of all of your activity on SCDB. As we continue to add functionality, we'll add to summary items to this area.
Improvements to our Pricing Engine
As more and more of you look up cards, we analyze more data and can do better analysis. We are constantly evaluating our algorithms to find the optimal price determinations. We've made two small, but important optimizations thanks to your help.
New Homepage
The old was pretty plain and boring, so we cleaned ours a little bit.
New Partnerships
We've been working with more sellers, dealers, and marketplaces to bring even more items to SCDB. This will make shopping even better and bring in more data for determining pricing guidance.
As always, we are asking everyone for their ideas. While we are excited for the start we have going, we are nowhere near making a dent in our feature list - so we'll keeping working hard to improve the site.
Thanks for all your support and encouragement.
Free Sports Card Real Time Pricing and Collector Tools
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