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SportsCardDatabase - Sports Card Reference & Real Time Pricing

Free Sports Card Real Time Pricing and Collector Tools

Monday, August 6, 2012

Upgraded Search, Card Atrributes, and Performance Improvements

On July 31st, we blogged that there was an Enhanced Search coming soon, and today we rolled it out for you guys.

In the screenshot below, you can now filter the search results for Rookie Cards, Autographs, Memorabilia, and Serial #'d Cards.

In addition, the Search Results now indicate those attributes and show the print run for Serial numbered cards. This is valuable information for collectors of newer cards.

We also optimized many our database procedures to vastly improve the site's performance.

More good stuff is on the way. Thanks for all your support.

SCDB at the National

The 2012 National Sports Collectors Convention in Baltimore took place this past weekend, and the SCDB team joined the fun.

If you collect sports cards and memoribilia, this show had everything. Vintage, new, autographs, jerseys, awards, promotional items, knick-knacks, etc. If it is sports related, with 23 aisles of dealers there is a good chance you can find it there.

At other Nationals we had been to, the printed price guides (Beckett or Tuff Stuff) where in clear display on just about every card dealer's table. But not at this one.... There were a lot of collectors carrying around iPads and smart phones - looking up card prices and at their wantlists. We saw quite a few folks checking on while shopping, that was super cool.

Going into the show, we had the following goals:

1) Get feedback from users of the site

We got some great feedback about the site. The things you guys like and the things you guys want. You'll see some new functionality added in the coming months thanks to all the suggestions.  Obviously adding cards to our catalog was the first priority - which we are tirelessly working to do.

2) Search out more Partnerships and get more Data

We talked to a good amount of card dealers and marketplaces about integrating their inventories into our comparison shopping engine, as we received some very positive interest. The more items we have available, the better the informaiton we can analyze and the better the opportunity to find you guys the best deals.

3) Using SportsCardDatabase for ourselves, with our own money

We really believe in this project, so we put our money directly on SportsCardDatabase's data at this show. Every purchase we made was directly a result of the site's analytics, considering the following for each card:

- price point
- sales vs. population ratio (how often the item sells when offered)
- population over the past week, month, 6 months, year (how many are offered)
- price elasticity (how demand changes as price changes)
- popularity of players & card set

As part of this exercise, we will take our purchases and see whether we can meet our goal - selling all the items for at least 500% of the purchase price. We'll keep you posted with the results.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Enhanced Search on the way

We've been working hard on adding functionality to our search and search results screens.

Many of you have told us that you like to see when cards have Autographs, are rookie cards, are game used memoribilia, or limited to a print run - as these attributes apply to so many of the newer issued sets. So we catalogued thousands of cards with these attributes and are expanding our search to allow you to filter by these criteria (shown in the screen below):

We're planning on launching this new functionality early next week, after we return from the National Sports Collectors convetion this weekend.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

National Sports Collectors Convention in Baltimore August 1-5

We will be at the National Sports Collectors Convention in Baltimore ( on Thursday, August 2 and Saturday, August 4. We went in 2007 and 2010, and it an awesome experience.

We're looking forward to meeting so many friends and collectors at the show. If youa re planning on going, please drop us an email as we'd love to meet up.

Friday, July 13, 2012

36,000 baseball cards added today

The SportsCardDatabase community has been hard at work supplying our database with so many card entries for our catalog. This week we approved and properly categorized over 36,000 new baseball cards.

One of our key priorities for 2012 is that we continue to work toward getting our catalog fully up to date and complete with all major issues in the 4 major sports. We're getting there and we thank you for your support.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Lots of Good Stuff Going on

It has been a really long time since we've posted on the SCDB blog - Sorry everyone.

We have been working hard on the site adding features and more card listings to our library. Here's some of the new cool stuff:

  • Thousands of New Members - it has been great to see so many people joining and using the features.
  • Deal Finder - automatically finds popular items selling for below their value.
  • Download Your Collection - you can easily download all the cards you track on the site into Excel format.
  • Your Collection Stats - you can see stats about the cards you are tracking on the site.
  • Added More Cards - we've added over 100,000 new cards in the past 2 weeks for baseball.
  • Optimized Pricing Algorithm - there was a major enhancement to the logic in our pricing algorithm, now providing even more accurate pricing guidance.
So there is plenty of great stuff in the works and we are all excited to make SportsCardDatabase the best resource in the world for sports card collectors.